Everything is not black and white….


That is the lesson I have learned this last week. 

Nothing I do is either right or wrong – somewhere in the middle.  No problem has a resolution and when in doubt just pack up bag and travel, hoping that the answer may emerge another day.

So where do I move on from here….?

Goodness knows. 

I have to have clarity to function in life, which just isn’t available to me. 

So I am:

  • sock knitting again… when all else fails the family need socks and with Toby they are the only kind he can wear as commercial socks are too tight.
  • Painting again…. well what else am I to do to measure and mark the days? This is the accent of colour running through my life – it enables my heart to sing and lends me some structure.   My pictorial notebooks are becoming very important ways of capturing emotion and atmosphere in a more 3D fashion than the words I have always relied upon. 
  • No serious writing, except just notetaking and observation.

But I am now also reading, have found a couple of really enjoyable reads which are enabling me to take my mind and conscience off into the world envisaged by the creative intelligence of people far less stressed than me….

Even though I have not been particularly enthused with the Kindle over the years, I am now finding having all my reading material in one place, with a self-contained light is incredibly helpful considering my disorganised state.  Coupled with being able to buy a book I fancy, after perhaps reading a brief recommendation without having to go to a shop or wait for it to arrive via post is really a luxury. 

I am also listening to loads more music and would love to do a project which would combine music with textiles/paintings and poetry.

Sounds like a project coming on. 

About DyeVerse

I am a spinner, dyer and weaver - who also writes and occasionally works (note to self - define work...)
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