SLOW – cloth, living & friendships…..

A few years back I was inspired by the writings and thoughts, along with what can be described as a mantra for living, written down by Elaine Lipson under the movement entitled Slow Cloth.

What appealed to me was how it chimed with how I naturally approach my craft work, art and other items I produce, as well as echoing ways I try to live my life.

  • Simplicity
  • Plain
  • Truthful
  • Skilful
  • Shared Experience – history/community
  • Pride in purpose and whilst in use.


Sounds so simple… but it isn’t !!!

Sounds so easy – yes rigid heddle weaving is “easy” – it is known as plain cloth, and doesn’t have any fancy patterns running through it, or need equipment which takes over a house (I say that with finger’s crossed… !!) but I concentrate on the quality of the warp and weft, which are often also produced by me, and the simplicity of the construction allows the materials to speak for themselves. 

I very often leave orphaned “weavings” which should be ideally constructed into shawls or scarves or backdrops for embroideries and further embellishments to create a “finished” structured piece which reflects the designs in my notebooks, draped over the back of a chair or hung from in front of a window so the light can shine through, simply so I can admire the beauty of the hue or texture. 

So instead of striving for sophistication and compete with the abilities of others – I am happy and content with my own journey.

Why am I writing this blog, about this subject this morning?

Because I had forgotten my way. 

The simple task this morning of cleaning down my overflowing and non-functioning noticeboard which I awake every morning to (when I am at home… there lies the rub) – look at first thing and totally stress out over even before I have got out of bed, has uncovered a layer of notes and thoughts, which were put there because they were important !

Stopped me in my tracks.  So I have left them there…in my new tracks… and to guide me in the right direction…

Only taken me eight years to work that one out then…


About DyeVerse

I am a spinner, dyer and weaver - who also writes and occasionally works (note to self - define work...)
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