Some of what interests me….

Winter Sunny morning

This is the view from my window today, after about 2 pm that is… before you could not see anything and all the usual sounds of nature were muffled – as it was shrouded in mist.  I will take a photo of that phenomena next time it occurs now I have the camera set up in the bedroom. 

What you cannot see is the beautiful rabbits bopping around the field, along with occasionally being chased by the most beautiful two dogs you might ever wish to meet.  They are terriers of some sort and they are adorable, particularly the smaller one, Amy – who seems to have taken a shine to me for whatever reasons !! 

When the comes down, it is the strangest of feelings, you feel totally isolated and with no anchor points on the horizon, it feels very odd.  The hills are literally shrouded in mist – hence the most accurate description I can think of. 

It feels as I am writing as if I am sat in front of an enormous Hockney painting.  There is always something different to focus my eyes on when I look up.  How lucky am I… and that is what I keep reminding myself of, no matter what is going on around me.  This is the reality of the respite of a couple of hours between meetings and the responsibilities of care. 

I have to work really hard on keeping my mind on the task in hand and “in the moment” –  If I start thinking about the indecisions and “reality” of my existence, I physically feel sick and the carefully constructed facade collapses.

The contrast of my life couldn’t be greater… on one side there is the joy and progress, and the other – just waiting…I certainly am learning patience if nothing else….

regrets over yesterday and fear of tomorrow are twin thieves that rob us of the moment.”    Amish Knitting Circle – Old World Xmas – V6 – Karen Anna Vogel


So what am I up to – for me….

Sorting out the family knitting patterns.   I am going to put together all the patterns I knit from memory, having had some of the passed down from my mother, aunties and others.  I have started by sorting out some suitable software to make my world more about the knitting, rather than adding stress to it by generating more paperwork. 

I am using Envisioknit for the charting elements, as recommended by Brenda Dayne of Cast On podcast.  Having looked around for others, including the Knit Foundry which is used by some of my favourite designers, I decided that their costs far outweighed their ongoing use for me. 

Knitting Software are the other programmers I use.  I have used their sock pattern software very successfully for a number of years, as my wool is all over the place when it comes to gauge, this saves me a lot of grief.

I have discovered that the heel I use is Eye of Partridge…

Eye of Partridge

But mine is with a little tweak, in that I decrease to 29 stitches on the needle and on the wrong side of the heel flap Sl1, K1, then purl to last 2 stitches, P1, K1. 

On the right side, Sl1, K1, then commence the pattern with the Purl stitch… until you get to the last two stitches which should be K2. 

This leaves me with a neat little ladder in which to pick up the flap stitches when I turn the heel.  The bit I am stuck on though is what kind of heel I actually use.. there are so many names for them !!

After reaching the end of the 30 rows, Sl1 P17 P2tog Sl1, then turn and K5 K2tog tbl Sl1, then turn and Purl 6 stitches. etc.etc. increasing the amount I use on each short row, until I have finally reached 18 stitches (approx).  Does anybody know what kind of heel this is called as there are a few to choose from – peasant, v, traditional etc.etc.  ?

California Sunset

This is my current sock project, being knitted for Holly – christened California Sunset by Josh.  I felt so badly about not finishing them for Christmas for her, with the help of some arthritis gel on my thumbs, I have got stuck in and am trying to finish them asap. 

Apparently I have got the pattern just right at the moment – so feel I should actually write it down at this stage, so it doesn’t get lost when my descendants decide to knit at some point in the future. 


Some really interesting links at the moment….

Recycled Movie Costumes – all the recent interest in recycling, make do and mend, is not – contrary to popular perception newly discovered by eco enthusiasts.  It has always been practised by the thrifty and those who are trying to create on a budget….

I loved this Site and would commend it to you.  I have always been a continuity geek, and I can distinguish between the horses on Merlin where the filming is going on – the French horses have longer muzzles and more ornate saddlery.  Back in the day when I was involved with TV set production and location work, continuity was all…. so it has sort of stuck with – especially if the storylines are a little dull !!!! 

Pod Projects – WOW – Trevor Pitt who curated and commissioned the flock of benches project which came to (and was created in) Bristol, is involved as curator in this exhibition in Penrith.  Some really innovative exhibits – particularly like the knitted engine and Celia Pym’s fairisle jumper (harks back to the make do and mend philosophy).


So these are the thoughts from my desk today, the view outside now is non-existent as darkness has fallen, and I have to go, as I am sure there are at least 6 games of UNO, along with the end of National Treasure II, waiting for me at the Unit…If only I could win one game, one day… ah but that is the stuff of dreams…

About DyeVerse

I am a spinner, dyer and weaver - who also writes and occasionally works (note to self - define work...)
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