One step forward…. how many back?

blog - law

Hi dear reader… can’t go into details about what has been going on over the last few days, save to say that I am rapidly losing the will to live, and am wondering what and who exactly I have to threaten mortal damage to, to enable me to get my life back.

Not a very grand life, or a very successful one…but one of my own making.

The worst of all possible situations is now emerging where each dramatic issue bleeds into the next, with no time constraints or weekends off – and my clearly defined “own” time has disappeared totally.  I am shattered and am struggling to keep calm but the shards of toughened steel which surround my heart are going to reek havoc when they shatter.

But pleased to report that my sense of humour is still in tact…. !! and my fine ascetic tastes in fibre are still functioning…

I take little comfort from the fact I am not am not alone in my misery, my heart and thoughts go out to close family members who have suffered bereavement recently, along with some of my favourite businesses and watering holes, many who have lost everything due to the recession.

I am incredibly shocked by the speed at which businesses, who to the casual visitor would appear to be weathering this recession, are now going under – in the Devon area particularly.   The Trout at Bickleigh was one massive shock this weekend, and my thoughts are with the lovely family who relied upon it for their home and offered such superb hospitality.

On the Motability front It seems that we are now looking for an ex-“Pope Mobile”, preferably in red – but we can compromise with go faster stripes – if anyone happens to see one, please let us know quite urgently as Toby has bought the key ring.


Oh and we might need to sleep in it, if things get much worse on the B & B front…that should be interesting !!

About DyeVerse

I am a spinner, dyer and weaver - who also writes and occasionally works (note to self - define work...)
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