Woodmill Spring

Finished off the Madder, and have now started on

Woodmill Spring

Which I am going to call Woodmill Spring.  I had been floundering around for a name for this funny colourway. I dyed it during one of the SpinDyeWeavers’ meetings a couple of years ago. In my defence, I am now currently working through my stash – to make way for the paperwork flow it regrettably seems… 

BFL, kettle-dyed, Kemtex Blue, Landscape: Wombat, Wattle and Moss. when looking out of the window, whilst counting to 100 backwards in french (it was one of those moments….). I realised that the world outside really still was beautiful…

The blue of the sky, the green of the trees, yellow in spring plants, dark bark…

Woodmill Spring

Just a matter of perspective and which way you are looking…

In my case firmly in the future….

About DyeVerse

I am a spinner, dyer and weaver - who also writes and occasionally works (note to self - define work...)
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