Monthly Archives: April 2011

Frayed Edges Exhibiting Group

Very inspired by this, this morning, so would like to share… Frayed Edges Exhibiting Group

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Persian Berries and April Dyeing

  Thought I would like to share with you my recent dyeing exploits – Merino softly spun dyed with Persian Berry Hue and Dye extract (5%) from DT Crafts.  On the left Alum mordanted, on the right, Copper mordanted.  There … Continue reading

Posted in CofA, extract dyes, natural dyeing, spinning | Leave a comment

Patience Dear Hearts, patience…

“Do you need anything else to go in the wash?” shouts the hunter, gatherer and now housekeeper from the bottom of the stairs… “I am afraid I am hanging upside down, so don’t really know” replied the rather harassed, but … Continue reading

Posted in Clubs, Friends, inspiration, Spindling | Leave a comment